STAR Speech Therapy Animation and imaging Resource

About the project

The Speech Therapy Animation and imaging Resource (STAR) is a project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council’s Secondary Data Analysis Initiative (ESRC SDAI). The STAR websites allow users to see inside the vocal tract during disordered and non-disordered speech production, using:

  • ultrasound tongue imaging (UTI)
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • vocal-tract animation, based on MRI recordings.

The STAR project makes use of six pre-existing vocal-tract imaging datasets, collected for clinical and non-clinical research purposes, over a 9-year period (see Table 1). Additional MRI vocal-tract video is also available on the STAR sites via the Edinburgh MRI modelled speech corpus, which was funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh and collected in 2022-2023.

Table 1: STAR project source datasets

Funding councilCollection dateProject titleData formatsSpeech typeSpeaker age
AHRC (AH/L010380/1)Jan 2014-March 2015Dynamic Dialects: integrating articulatory video to reveal the complexity of speech.UTI, lip video, MRI, audiomodelled and non-disorderedAdult (18-65yo)
ESRC (RES ES-N008189-1)Sept. 2016- Dec. 2019Changes in shape, space and time: the impact of position on the spatiotemporal and configurational articulatory properties of liquid consonants.UTI, lip videonon-disorderedAdult (18-50)
EPSRC (EP/1027696/1)Feb. 2011- July 2014Ultrax: real-time tongue tracking for speech therapy using ultrasound.UTI, lip videonon-disordered and disorderedChild (5-13)
CSO (ETM 402)Jan. 2015- Nov. 2016Ultraphonix: ultrasound visual biofeedback treatment for speech sound disorders in children.UTIdisorderedChild (6-13)
Action Medical Research (GN2544)April 2017-July 2018Visualising Speech: using ultrasound visual biofeedback to diagnose and treat speech disorders in children with cleft lip and palate.UTIdisorderedChild (3-15)
EPSRC (EP/P02338X/1)Aug. 2017- Nov 2020Ultrax2020: ultrasound technology for optimising the treatment of speech disorders.UTIdisorderedChild (5-16)

The project team

STAR is a collaborative project between the University of Glasgow, the University of Strathclyde and Queen Margaret University Edinburgh

Core team

Advisory panel